Laser Safety

Description of Appropriate Use

This device is designed for laser material processing (cutting, marking, and engraving) in an office, laboratory, workshop or light-duty manufacturing environment. Materials to be processed must fit completely inside the system for proper operation (Class 1 laser safety), unless using the optional Class 4 Conversion Module.


CAUTION: This device is not designed, tested, intended or authorized for use in any medical applications, surgical applications, medical device manufacturing or any similar procedure or process requiring approval, testing or certification by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or other similar governmental entities.

General Safety

Use of the equipment in a manner other than described in this manual or failure to follow the operational instructions and safety guidelines listed in this manual can result in personal injury and may cause damage to the equipment and surrounding property. If you have any questions please contact the ULS Factory Support Team at:


EXPOSURE TO THE LASER MATERIAL PROCESSING BEAM CAN RESULT IN BURNS TO THE SKIN AND CAN CAUSE SEVERE EYE DAMAGE. Proper use and care of this system are essential to safe operation. Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation.


Eyewear must be properly-certified for use with and protection from all material processing laser wavelengths in use (10.6 micron, 9.3 micron, and/or 1.06 micron) and be at least optical density 5+. If unsure of proper eyewear requirements, do not operate the laser system with Class 4 Conversion Module installed and consult your certified Laser Safety Officer or contact ULS Factory Support Team for more information.


Never operate the laser system without constant supervision of all cutting, marking, and engraving processes. Exposure to the laser beam may cause ignition of combustible materials which can lead to a fire. A properly-maintained fire extinguisher should be kept on hand at all times.

A remote connection to the system across a network does not negate the need for constant supervision of all cutting, marking, and engraving processes.


Never leave materials in the laser system after processing. Always remove all material, including scrap material, from the machine after use. Scrap material left in the laser system, including materials that collect in the removable Flow Through Cutting Table, can be a fire hazard. Materials can be hot after processing so caution should be used when handling material immediately after processing. A properly-maintained fire extinguisher should be kept on hand at all times.


Do not attempt to move or lift the laser system by hand. It is recommended to use a fork lift or other mechanical assistance when moving the laser system. If you are unsure about how to move the equipment please consult a professional rigging company or ULS Factory Support Team at:


A properly-configured, installed, maintained, and operational particulate and fume exhaust system is mandatory when operating the laser system. Fumes and smoke from laser material processing must be extracted from the laser system and filtered or exhausted outside.

SOME MATERIALS, WHEN ENGRAVED, MARKED OR CUT WITH A LASER, CAN PRODUCE TOXIC AND CORROSIVE FUMES. Obtain the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the manufacturer of each material to be processed. The MSDS discloses all of the hazards when handling or processing a particular material. DISCONTINUE processing any materials that cause chemical deterioration of the laser system such as rust, metal etching or pitting, peeling paint, etc. Damage to the laser system from corrosive fumes is NOT covered under warranty.


DANGEROUS VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT WITHIN THE ELECTRONICS ENCLOSURES OF THIS SYSTEM. Access to these areas (marked with warning labels) is not necessary during normal operation. If it becomes necessary to open one of these enclosures for any reason, the power cord must first be disconnected from the electrical supply. NEVER REMOVE THE GROUND LEAD TO THE ELECTRICAL CORD AND PLUG THE SYSTEM INTO A NON-GROUNDED OUTLET. A laser system that is not properly grounded is hazardous and can result in severe or fatal electrical shock. Without proper grounding, the laser system may exhibit sporadic or unpredictable behavior. Always plug the system into a properly- grounded (earthed) outlet.

The power supply cord is the main disconnect device; the equipment should be located close to an easily-accessible power outlet. To disconnect the equipment from the supply main, the power cord should be unplugged from the power outlet or main power inlet (appliance coupler) of the unit. The laser system is designed as a Class I, Group A, pluggable device. It is also designed for connection to IT power systems.

The equipment should be connected to an AC power supply with Zmax = 0.049 Ohms or lower impedance. The end user should consult with their power supply authority to ensure the AC line impedance requirement of EN 61000-3-11:2000 Annex B compliance is met.

This device is specifically designed to comply with CDRH performance requirements under 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 and to comply with European laser safety regulations under EN60825-1. CDRH is the Center for the Devices of Radiological Health division of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA. No guarantees of suitability or safety are provided for any use other than those specified by Universal Laser Systems.

CO2 Laser Safety

Laser systems are designed to support sealed carbon dioxide (CO2) laser sources that produce intense invisible laser radiation at wavelengths of 10.6 and 9.3 microns in the infrared spectrum. The laser source is contained within a Class 1 enclosure designed to completely contain the CO2 laser beam.


CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in exposure to hazardous levels of invisible laser radiation.

  • Laminated safety glass is employed in the viewing window to block 10.6 and 9.3 micron laser radiation transmission from CO2 lasers, allowing safe observation of laser material processing. The viewing window is optical density 5+ for 10.6 and 9.3 micron laser radiation. Do not operate the laser system if the view port is damaged, with any of the doors removed, or if any of the safety interlocks are defeated.
  • The intense light that appears during the laser engraving, marking or cutting process is the product of material combustion or vaporization. DO NOT STARE AT THIS INTENSE LIGHT FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS SUCH AS BINOCULARS OR MICROSCOPES.
  • This device contains a visible Red Laser Pointer (Class 2) to aid in positioning material to be cut, marked or engraved. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE RED LASER BEAM OR USE A REFLECTIVE SURFACE TO REDIRECT OR VIEW THE RED LASER BEAM. Never attempt to view the red laser beam using optical instruments such as binoculars or microscopes.
  • The access door(s) are safety interlocked, which will prevent the CO2 laser beam from firing when the access door(s) are opened. The Red Laser Pointer is NOT safety interlocked and can be automatically activated with the door(s) either open or closed.
  • DO NOT OPERATE THE LASER SYSTEM IF ANY SAFETY FEATURES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED, DISABLED OR REMOVED. This may lead to accidental exposure to invisible CO2 laser radiation, which may result in severe eye damage and/or burns to the skin.
  • Always use caution when operating a laser system.

CO2 Fiber Laser Safety (Multi-Wavelength Laser Systems)

Certain laser systems are designed to support both sealed carbon dioxide (CO2) and fiber laser sources. CO2 lasers produce intense invisible laser radiation at a wavelength of 10.6 and 9.3 microns in the infrared spectrum and fiber laser sources produce intense invisible laser radiation at a wavelength of 1.06 microns. For your protection, these laser sources are contained within a Class 1 enclosure designed to completely contain both the CO2 laser beam and the fiber laser beam.


CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in exposure to hazardous levels of invisible laser radiation.

  • Fiber laser radiation is especially damaging to the eye if viewed directly. Certain laser systems employ a viewing window made with a green tinted layer and an optical density of 5+ for 1.06 microns laser radiation from fiber lasers and laminated safety glass to block 10.6 and 9.3 microns laser radiation from CO2 lasers. This viewing window will block transmission of both CO2 and fiber laser radiation, allowing safe observation of laser processing. Do not operate the laser system if the view port is damaged, with any of the doors removed or if any of the safety interlocks are defeated.
  • The intense light that appears during the laser engraving, marking or cutting process is the product of material combustion or vaporization. DO NOT STARE AT THIS INTENSE LIGHT FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS SUCH AS BINOCULARS OR MICROSCOPES
  • This device contains a visible Red Laser Pointer (Class 2) to aid in positioning material to be cut, marked or engraved. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE RED LASER BEAM OR USE A REFLECTIVE SURFACE TO REDIRECT OR VIEW THE RED LASER BEAM. Never attempt to view the red laser beam using optical instruments such as binoculars or microscopes.
  • The access door(s) are safety interlocked, which will prevent the CO2 laser or fiber laser beam from firing when the access door(s) are opened. The Red Laser Pointer is NOT safety interlocked and can be automatically activated with the door(s) either open or closed.
  • DO NOT OPERATE THE LASER SYSTEM IF ANY SAFETY FEATURES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED, DISABLED OR REMOVED. This may lead to accidental exposure to invisible CO2 laser or fiber laser radiation, which may result in severe eye damage and/or burns to the skin.
  • Always use caution when operating a laser system.

Laser Safety When Using the Class 4 Conversion Module


EXPOSURE TO THE LASER MATERIAL PROCESSING BEAM CAN RESULT IN BURNS TO THE SKIN AND CAN CAUSE SEVERE EYE DAMAGE. Proper use and care of this system are essential to safe operation. Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation.

WHEN USING THE OPTIONAL CLASS 4 CONVERSION MODULE, PROPER EYEWEAR MUST BE USED AT ALL TIMES WHEN THE BEAM INDICATOR IS ILLUMINATED ON THE CLASS 4 CONTROL PANEL. Eyewear must be properly-certified for use with and protection from all material processing laser wavelengths in use (10.6 microns, 9.3 microns and 1.06 microns) and must be at least optical density 5+. If unsure of proper eyewear requirements, do not operate the laser system with Class 4 Conversion Module installed and consult your certified Laser Safety Officer or contact ULS Factory Support Team at:

ULS laser cutting, engraving, and marking machines are equipped with interlocked access panels on either side of the unit. An optional Class 4 Conversion Module is available to allow the user to operate the laser system with the side panels open. This device bypasses the safety interlocks on the side panels of the laser system. With this optional device in place, the protective system housing will not fully contain the infrared laser radiation produced by the laser source(s), creating the potential for exposure. Use of this optional device redefines the safety classification of the laser system from Class 1, which is considered safe for use under all conditions of normal use, to Class 4, which is considered potentially hazardous. Additionally, the system housing will not contain flames or by-products from potential ignition of materials within the system housing. It should also be noted that damage or ignition of flammable materials in the immediate or remote vicinity can be caused by infrared laser radiation escaping the housing of a system equipped with the Class 4 Conversion Module.

There are a number of mandatory safety measures set by national and international laws and standards that must be complied with when operating a Class 4 laser system. Certain safety measures are provided by the manufacturer through incorporation into the optional Class 4 Conversion Module, including the following:

  • Remote Interlock Connection – A means of remotely connecting to the interlock circuit of the laser system allowing the connection of remote switches for deactivating the laser. This feature can be used to connect an interlock switch to the doors of the designated room in which the laser system will be operated so that the laser is automatically deactivated when the doors are open.
  • Key Control – A removable key that prevents unauthorized operation of the laser.
  • Laser Radiation Emission Warning Device – A visible warning light that indicates when the laser is capable of emitting laser radiation.
  • Attenuator – A mechanical device to block emission of laser radiation. This device takes the form of a shutter which is manually operated.
  • Class 4 Warning Label – A Class 4 warning label to indicate the laser system is classified as Class 4.

In addition to a properly-installed exterior exhaust connected to the laser system equipped with the Class 4 Conversion Module, the laser system must be operated only in a continuously well-ventilated area. Certain operational safety measures are the responsibility of the laser system Owner when the optional Class 4 Conversion Module is installed. THESE SAFETY MEASURES ARE MANDATORY FOR OPERATION OF CLASS 4 LASER SYSTEMS UNDER FEDERAL AND STATE LAW IN THE UNITED STATES AS WELL AS UNDER THE LAWS OF MOST FOREIGN COUNTRIES.

Many of these safety measures are outlined in ANSI Standard Z136.1 American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers or in equivalent standards available in most foreign countries, such as the European Standard EN 60825-1. Other safety measures may be required by state and/or local authorities, for example, the Regulation BGV B2 on laser beams of the German Employer’s Liability Insurance Association, and it is the responsibility of the Owner to understand and adhere to these laws. A brief synopsis of the most common safety requirements addressed to Owners of a Class 4 laser system is outlined below:

  • In any facility in which a Class 4 laser system is to be operated, an individual must be designated as a Laser Safety Officer (LSO) who will assume the authority and responsibility to monitor and enforce the control of laser hazards. The LSO should be trained in laser safety and be aware of all safety measures set by law. There are many avenues available to acquire this training. Recognized sources of this training are the Laser Institute of America (, the Employer’s Insurance Liability Associations in European countries, or laser safety associations within the Owner’s country or territory
  • The Owner of a Class 4 laser system will be responsible for creation of a controlled area in which the Class 4 laser system will be operated. A controlled area is designed to fully contain the laser radiation that can potentially escape from a Class 4 laser system, with measures in place to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the area, including lighted warning signs outside the designated and controlled area and interlocks on entryways.
  • The LSO will be responsible for designating and training all personnel authorized to operate, maintain or service a Class 4 laser system. It will also be the responsibility of the LSO to take measures to inform and restrict all unauthorized personnel from access to a Class 4 laser system.
  • The Owner of a Class 4 laser system will be responsible for identifying and providing to all authorized personnel any protective equipment such as specially-designed eyewear, protective equipment and clothing needed when operating, maintaining or servicing a Class 4 laser system. Furthermore, the Owner will ensure that no juveniles operate the laser. If the laser is in use, the user will also ensure that mirrors, lenses, and other reflecting materials are fixed and are only moved in a controlled manner.
  • The LSO will be responsible for regularly auditing all safety measures. This includes regular retraining of authorized personnel, serialization and regular inspection (and replacement when necessary) of all special eyewear and clothing and regular inspection of all safety measures surrounding the controlled area in which a Class 4 laser system is operated. The LSO may be required to maintain records as necessary to prove compliance.
  • The LSO will be responsible for regular medical surveillance of all authorized personnel operating a Class 4 laser system. For example, this includes but is not limited to, mandatory annual eye exams.
  • Class 4 lasers systems must not be used at trade shows or exhibitions.

This list is not all-inclusive. Other mandatory safety measures may be applicable and will vary from state-to-state and country-to-country. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLASS 4 SYSTEM OWNER AND THE OWNER OF THE FACILITY IN WHICH IT WILL BE OPERATED TO IDENTIFY AND COMPLY WITH ALL PERTINENT REGULATIONS. In some states, for example, anyone wishing to operate a Class 4 laser system must register with the state radiation regulatory agency, pay annual fees and submit to annual inspections. There may be penalties involved for non-compliance. The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has also adopted rules for safe use of lasers in the workplace. The LSO must comply with all Rules and Regulations set by law. To reiterate, the safety measures relating to operation of a Class 4 laser system are mandatory under Federal and State law in the United States as well as in most foreign countries. If an operator/owner is unable or unwilling to comply with all safety measures required for safe operation of a Class 4 laser system, the optional Class 4 laser conversion module must not be used.

Tamper Proof Labels

All Universal Laser Systems laser sources are equipped with tamper proof labels. There are NO field-serviceable parts inside a ULS laser source. If a ULS laser source needs service, please contact the ULS Factory Support Team at:

Safety Labels

CDRH and CE regulations require that all laser manufacturers affix warning labels in specific locations throughout the equipment. Do not remove these labels for any reason. If the label(s) become damaged or have been removed for any reason, do not operate the laser system and immediately contact ULS Support Team at: for a free replacement. Safety labels are mandatory on all ULS laser sources and systems. The examples below are from a ULS platform.

EU Declaration of Conformity

Product Identification: All ULS Laser Systems


Universal Laser Systems

16008 N. 81st St.

Scottsdale, AZ 85260


Authorized Representative

Universal Laser Systems GmbH

Lerchenfelder Guertel 43

A-1160 Vienna


The manufacturer hereby declares that the equipment specified below is in conformity with the following directives based on the standards listed below:

2004/108/EEC (EMC Directive)

2006/95/EEC (Low Voltage Directive)

2006/42/EEC (Machinery Directive)

2011/65/EU (RoHS2 Directive)

2012/19/EU (WEEE Directive)

Standards Used


EN 60950: 2002

EN 60825-1: 2014 (Class 2)


EN 55024 2010 (Class A)

EN 55022: 2010 (Class A)

EN 61000-3-2: 2006 (Class A)

EN 61000-3-3: 2008

EN 61000-4-2: 2008 (4kV CD, 8kV AD)

EN 61000-4-3: 2006 (3 or 10 V/m)

EN 61000-4-4: 2012 (1 or 2 kV power line)

EN 61000-4-5: 2014 (Class 3)

EN 61000-4-6: 2013 (3 or 10 Vrms)

EN 61000-4-8: 2009

EN 61000-4-11: 2004

Note: This is not a declaration of conformity. The importer of this equipment supplies the declaration of conformity.

CO2 Laser Source Labels
Fiber Laser Source Labels
Front View Labels
Back View Labels
Platform Electronics Enclosure (right-side)
Compressed Air Source
Optional Class 4 Conversion Module Labels

FCC Compliance

ULS laser cutting, engraving, and marking systems have been tested and found to comply with Federal Communication Commission (FCC) directives regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). In accordance with these directives, ULS is required to provide the following information to its customers:

FCC Compliance Statement and Warnings

This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and

2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device as set forth in Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his or her own expense.

Users should be aware that changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

This equipment has been type tested and found to comply within the limits for a Computing Device per FCC part 15, using shielded cables. Shielded cables must be used in order to ensure compliance with FCC regulations.


CAUTION: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.